Audiologist:  So, let’s go over the steps again.  One, make an appointment with her pediatrician or talk with the pediatrician by phone to obtain referrals for genetic counseling and for ENT consultation.  I need you to do that within 3 days.  Be sure those appointments are for as soon as you can get them, especially the ENT appointment.  The ENT needs to give medical approval for the use of hearing aids.  I’d like that within 2 weeks; I’ll go ahead and order the hearing aids today so they are ready just as soon as the ENT gives the go ahead.  Bring your husband and your mother to the appointment for the hearing aid fitting.  We’ll talk then about the next steps for getting State early intervention services.

Mom: Uh, okay, I’ve got it written down.  That fast huh?

Audiologist:  Yes. To get the best speech and language outcomes we need to move on this as quickly as we can.