Third Evaluation

The patient moved out of state, and returned three years later, and is now age 9 years, 10 months of age.

MH’s mother says that MH’s vision seems to be improving, and that his hearing also seems improved.  She says another facility tested MH and said hearing was normal.  The mother was vague about how much hearing aid or assistive device use had occurred in the intervening years. MH now has some expressive vocabulary; he uses sign language predominantly.

The audiologist’s notes say that MH was condition to play audiometry, and had sufficient vision to see to place pegs in a board and do play audiometry with various toys.

  • The child has a chronological age of 9. Based on the type of play audiometry he is using, what would you guess about his developmental age?

The audiogram shows upward sloping hearing loss. The speech awareness thresholds are 30 dB HL in each ear.

  •  Do the SAT and pure tone scores agree? Discuss?
  • What management strategies would you recommend if this were your patient?