Bone conduction click ABRs were obtained, which was likely not the best choice. Because of the need to conduct other medical testing, it could not be finished.
The left ear had clear responses at 55 and 45 dB nHL, a possible response at 35 dB nHL. The right ear had a possible response at 55 dB nHL.
Reconcile that with the tone burst data – recopied below for your convenience.
- Does the patient appear to have conductive, sensorineural or mixed loss? Is this consistent with tympanometry?
. Right Left
500 Hz 50 60
2000 Hz 70 80
4000 Hz 60 70
Evoked potential thresholds predict the following hearing thresholds
. Right Left
500 Hz 30 40
2000 Hz 60 70
4000 Hz 50 60