Case 10

Patient:  K.S.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

K.S. has agenesis of the corpus collosum. She has a history of left ear cholesteatoma and recurrent middle ear pathology. She is developmentally delayed.  Her mother does not think that she hears well.  Attempts at behavioral testing have not been successful. She was seen for sedated ABR testing, which was conducted along with other medical testing such as imaging.

Tympanograms were flat left and reduced compliance right, consistent with middle ear pathology bilaterally.  OAEs are absent, except at 1.5 to 3k in the right ear where emissions were found.

The click-evoked ABR (85 dB nHL) is shown below.  (Click to see full screen version.)

  • Analyze the findings.

Case credit: Pediatrix Audiology, Inova/Fairfax County Hospital