Case 17

J.C. is a 17 year old female who suffered a stroke 6 months prior to being seen at the Nova Southeastern University clinic.  She is accompanied by her mother, who is not able to report on which area of the brain was affected.

J.C. has recovered considerable functioning, and plans to return to high school in the fall term.  Her current symptoms include:

Difficulty maintaining attention

Delays in responding to verbal instruction

Difficulty recalling information

Gives up easily

Short attention span

Difficulty following multi-step instructions

Difficulty on the phone where she doesn’t have visual cues to aid her

Problems understanding speech in noise

Lack of understanding of jokes and sarcasm

Voice lacks inflection

She has been receiving speech and language therapy, and given her relatively young age, further improvements are expected.

Case credits: Case donated by Erica Friedland, AuD, Nova Southeastern University

