VNG results

6 months post:

Based on the report (no traces) – no spontaneous, gaze or positional nystagmus. Normal saccade, visual pursuit, and OPK.

High frequency head shake “no significant nystagmus post stimulus”.

“Modified Dix-Hallpike for anterior/posterior canal BPPV was negative to both sides. Lateral head rolls for horizontal canal BPPV was negative to both sides.”

“Monothermal caloric stimulation produced normal and symmetrical output (6% inter-ear difference).”  Right warm = 56 degrees/second; left warm = 63 degrees per second.  Motion portion of the posturography test showed normal weight and symmetrical strength. Long motor arc latencies are normal.  The sensory portion was abnormal. Mrs ___ failed all trials of condition 2 (eyes closed/platform fixed) and condition 5 (eyes closed/platform sway referenced). The patient’s composite equilibrium score was 72.”  Vestibular rehabilitation was recommended.

  • How can posturography reveal visual dependence, suggesting vestibular deficits, if calorics are normal? Can you reconcile these findings, and do you think vestibular rehabilitation was an appropriate recommendation?

12 months post:

The following scans show the results and summary; no descriptive report was included.  Both VNG  and rotary chair results are shown. You’ll need to click on the file, then click on it again to see the full image.

  • Summarize the findings and discuss potential causes of the dizziness.