Case 7 Immittance

□       What are the Liden/Jerger tympanogram types?

□       Is this likely indicative of middle ear effusion, or suggesting that effusion is probably not present.  Why?

  • The audiologist noted that both ear canals are narrow. She didn’t establish a sufficient  seal in the left ear for reflex testing, and gave up on finding probe left reflex thresholds.  Is this OK, or was that data absolutely critical?  Should the audiologist have struggled, maybe using Vaseline to help seal the ear?  How is it that the audiologist obtained a tympanogram but not reflexes, is that common?
  • Some audiologists write “A” or “ab” and other “NR” – all are equivalent notations.

□  What does it mean that the reflexes were absent when the probe was in the right ear? Is this consistent with audiometric testing or at odds with those results?