Case Management

The child probably has “middle ear effusion”.

  • What is “effusion”?  Is it within the scope of practice of the audiologist to make this diagnosis?

Middle ear effusion can be treated with antibiotics or with “watchful waiting”.  The American Academy of Otolarnygology – Head and Neck Surgery has recommendation on when to use each.

  • What is “watchful waiting” and why is it sometimes recommended? What are the benefits? If you were a parent of this child, would you want to go for watchful waiting or for treatment with antibiotics?

The audiologist’s notes on case management say “Parents informed of conductive overlay.  Medical management recommended.  The parents have elected to seek treatment with Dr X (pediatrician) rather than ENT physician Dr Y.”

  • Should the audiologist have specifically recommended that they see the ENT physician, or should the pediatrician be capable of treating this child?