Age 48

Approximately two years later in the month of April,  the patient is seen again. The MRI is normal with “presumed postsurgical change left mastoid.”  She reports that she still has episodic vertigo, with an episode the week prior.

Word recognition scores are 100% at 50 dB HL right and 55 dB HL left.

Right contralateral reflexes are absent; left contralateral are somewhat elevated (105-95 dB HL).  Ipsilateral reflexes are normal left (90/85) and somewhat high (100/95) left.  Tympanometry remains normal.

She is scheduled for a six month follow up but returns two months later.  The June audiogram is below.  She is scheduled for gentamicin infusion the following month.

This is the audiogram obtained on the day of the infusion in July.

She receives another gentamicin injection in September.

She returns in October.  The patient reports continued vertigo, the last episode a week prior to the audio testing shown below. The episode lasted 15-20 hours.