Predicted SPONDEE THRESHOLD + 10 dB in case the SPONDEE THRESHOLD is a bit higher than the PTA predicts – IA (60 dB for inserts, 50 for TDH) + largest significant NTE ABG + 10 dB pad.
Insert Earphones ⇒ TE estimated SPONDEE THRESHOLD – 40 dB + Largest significant NTE ABG (500 Hz to 8k Hz)
Supra-aural Phones ⇒ TE estimated SPONDEE THRESHOLD – 30 dB + Largest significant NTE ABG (500 Hz to 8k Hz)
Presentation level – IA + 10 dB pad + Largest significant NTE ABG (500 Hz to 8k Hz)
Insert Earphones ⇒ TE signal level – 50 dB + NTE ABG dB + Largest Significant NTE ABG (500 Hz to 8k Hz)
For Supra-aural Phones ⇒ TE signal level – 40 dB + Largest Significant NTE ABG ABG (500 Hz to 8k Hz)
For both spondee threshold and word recognition testing: Best TE BC threshold in the 500-8k Hz range + IA – 5
For insert earphone ⇒ Best TE 500 to 8k Hz + 55 dB
For Supra-aural Phones ⇒ BC TE 500 to 8k Hz + 45 dB
For safety, assume the best bone is 10 dB lower than AC thresholds for sensorineural loss and 0 dB for conductive losses.
Estimated spondee threshold or word recognition test level – 20 dB.
Simple, easy to calculate, and works well for asymmetrical sensorineural loss. If the test ear has conductive loss, this rule could lead to some overmasking, but it is usually not consequential – it won’t typically interfere with speech understanding. Non-test ear conductive loss may causethis rule to undermask.
Some crossback is not the end of the world. Crossback to the TE cochlea is not going to interfere with hearing speech that is 10 dB or more greater than the crossback level. Calculate the sensation level of the stimulus at the test ear (and do this across the frequency ranges). Calculate the sensation level of the crossback at the test ear (again, across frequencies). If the stimulus is 10 dB or more greater than the crossback, then your results are not significantly affected by the crossback.
Congratulations on making it this far into formula masking. The chapter on “why formula mask” discussed that when conducting speech testing, especially word recognition testing, you need to formula mask. You can’t plateau. So everything you have learned so far will now be applied where you need it most.
Speech masking requires one more cognitive stretch. You’ll have to think about hearing sensitivity all the frequencies, since speech and speech noise are wide-band stimuli.
The formula masking concepts remain the same. You need to ensure that you have enough noise at the NTE cochlea to mask any crossover. Now, we’ll add in that means thinking about cross over at each frequency. You’ll need to increase that noise level if the NTE has significant air-bone gaps. You need to ensure that the masking noise isn’t going to cross back at a level that will interfere with speech understanding. Here’s where you get a little leeway. If there is just a little crossback, but the speech signal is well above that crossback level, then the crossback won’t significantly affect the speech test results. You are still looking at the test ear bone-conduction thresholds, and basing your MMax calculations on them. Of course, usually you do speech testing via air-conduction before you test bone-conduction hearing, so you have to make an educated guess about the bone-conduction thresholds.
There is a simple formula masking rule that is going to work most of the time. You examine your presentation level, and simply put in contralateral noise that is 20 dB less intense. That’s called the “Down 20” rule. The good news is that works for asymmetrical sensorineural losses, which constitutes the bulk of the cases seen in a general audiology practice. The bad news is that it won’t work with significant conductive loss, so you need to read and understand the entire chapter.
So, without further delay, let’s delve right in.
Given how often masking for speech is conducted, we have surprisingly little data on the appropriate interaural attenuation (IA) value when using insert earphones. A literature search reveals one study – by Sklare and Denenberg (1987). They tested seven (yes, count them, seven!) patients with unilateral profound hearing loss and found that the average insert earphone interaural attenuation value was 75 dB, the minimum was 70. With only seven subjects, the true minimum is likely below 70 dB. They reported that the standard deviation was 7 dB; so the 2 standard deviation limit that should encompass 98% of the population predicts that the minimum IA is 61 dB, which we’ll round to 60 dB.
There are more data available re: TDH-style earphones. The minimum IA value is 48 dB in most literature. We can “afford” to round that up to 50 dB so long as we are using a 10 dB “pad” – a little extra in case of calibration errors or in case we are testing those with extremely low interaural attenuation. Remember this slight “cheat” in considering when to mask – err on the side of caution.
How loud is speech at each 1/3 octave band? Where is the bulk of the speech energy? Table 10-1 shows data from Cox and Moore (1988) – there is more energy in the average speaker’s voice in the low frequencies (long term average, of speaker with overall level of 70 dB SPL). Conveniently and coincidentally, the insert earphone interaural attenuation values are greater in the low frequencies. Table 10-1 shows the lowest minimum IA values for the published studies reviewed. This is good news. Where there is more speech energy, there is more interaural attenuation, so we can treat the crossover as being equal intensity level across the frequencies.
Frequency (Hz) | 250 | 500 | 1k | 2k | 4k | 8k |
Spectrum Level of Speech Energy (dB SPL) | 60 | 62 | 55 | 49 | 46 | 45 |
Interaural Attenuation Minimum (dB) | 63 | 62 | 56 | 50 | 50 | 60 |
In determining the need for masking for spondee threshold or word recognition testing, consider if any of the speech energy could be heard, by bone-conduction, in the non-test ear. Examine the range from 500 Hz to 8000 Hz. Why not 250 Hz?
When formula masking spondee thresholds, we need to consider which frequencies contribute to the hearing of the words. Generally, hearing only 250 Hz energy would not be enough to permit one to differentiate which spondee was presented. But, hearing at essentially any other frequency could permit speech understanding. (Hearing at 250 Hz will contribute to the spondee understanding, however. It will aid in vowel recognition.) Word understanding of monosyllabic words also won’t occur just if hearing 250 Hz.
If obtaining a speech detection threshold, then even 250 Hz hearing should be considered: Detection requires only audibility.
The patient with an audiogram shown in Figure 10-1 may have a right ear 120 dB HL spondee threshold (if the audiometer output goes that high), or may have no recognition at all – that’s pretty likely given the cochlear distortions that a hearing loss of that magnitude would create.
We would calculate the need for masking based upon the assumption that the interaural attenuation is 60 dB. If 120 dB HL speech can be presented, then we need to consider -- would the non-test ear hear the crossover (by bone conduction)? Figure 10-2 illustrates.
Pure-tone masking has trained the eye to recognize that large interaural differences signal the need for masking. You’ll need to learn new strategies in order to not miss the need for speech masking. You will need to think about the presentation level – and compare that to the non-test ear’s best bone-conduction thresholds. Because you are testing at a level that is well above threshold, and well above the non-test ear bone-conduction thresholds, you will frequently need to mask.
It’s easier (requires less hearing) to repeat spondee words from a list of a handful of choices than it is to correctly recognize what word was presented during word recognition testing. So for word recognition testing, a little bit of crossover might not truly improve the word recognition score. However, audiologists tend to be cautious and if there is any possibility of the non-test ear participating then contralateral masking is used. This means sometimes we will mask when it wasn’t essential. Figure 10-3 offers an example where the minimal cross hearing during word recognition testing does not do much to aid in figuring out which word was heard. Very little speech energy would be heard in the left ear. If this patient scored even modestly well (e.g. perhaps 40% or better), without contralateral masking having been used, then I would doubt that the non-test ear hearing (alone) could explain that score. Consider the degree to which the speech could be suprathreshold in the non-test ear. If it is marginal, as in Figure 10-3, then it is not an aid to word recognition. However, it doesn’t hurt to mask to eliminate any possibility that the non-test ear is contributing to the word recognition.
Audiologists may test word recognition at high intensity levels in order to determine if word recognition performance is poor or has decreased when intensity was increased – a sign of potential retrocochlear involvement. Since high test stimulus levels are used, crossover is high; participation of the contralateral ear would invalidate test results. Figure 10-4 illustrates.
Estimate spondee threshold, add 10 dB. Subtract 60 dB (IA for insert earphones). If this is above the possible bone-conduction thresholds 500 – 8k Hz, then masking is needed.
As with formula masking for pure tones, guessing the threshold will help you be efficient during testing. The pure-tone average should help you predict the spondee threshold you will eventually obtain. To reiterate, you won’t want to use exactly the predicted threshold in your minimum masking formula. If threshold comes in even a little higher, that would mean you have undermasked, and would need to increase the masking level. It is better to build the “what if the spondee threshold is a bit higher than estimated” into the formula.
Masking noise presented to the non-test ear is attenuated by any conductive loss in that non-test ear, so if you have any reason to believe there is conductive loss, estimate it (and use the worst case scenario – that it is as large as it could realistically be.) Add that into the minimum masking formula. As for pure-tone testing, if the air-bone gap is the 5 dB or so air-bone gap that is due to test-retest variability, those don’t need to be accounted for. When immittance is abnormal, then you should be very concerned, and the safest course is to assume bone-conduction thresholds are normal and calculate the air-bone gap. (As with pure-tone masking, you might want to switch to a MMax approach.)
Minimum Masking Level = Expected SPONDEE THRESHOLD + 10 in case it’s a bit higher + 10 for pad – 60 for IA + the largest significant NTE air-bone gap at any frequency 500-8k Hz.
This formula simplifies to: Expected Spondee Threshold – 40 dB (for inserts) + Largest Significant NTE Air-Bone Gap
TDH: Since the IA value is 10 dB lower, it would be SPONDEE THRESHOLD – 30 + Largest ABG (500 to 8 kHz)
How much masking is absolutely safe? If none of the crossback is audible, that is ideal. Assume a 60 dB IA at each frequency.
We can safely present up to 55 dB above the best bone-conduction threshold. If we go all the way up to 60 we risk some crossback interference.
So, the formula is MMax = Best TE bone-conduction threshold (500 to 8 kHz) + 55 dB
This formula holds the same for both spondee threshold and for word recognition testing, but as an upcoming section will discuss, a little bit of cross back may not hurt. As long as the speech signal is well above the crossback, the speech is still audible.
When thinking about the potential crossback and the number to use as “Best TE bone threshold”, think about cochlear sensitivity rather than the maximum output of the audiometer. For example, in Figure 10-5 below, the cochlear sensitivity at 500 Hz is probably 80 dB HL, which is higher than the audiometer bone-conduction circuit can produce. (Overmasking is dictated by the noise interfering with the test ear’s hearing, so that is what we need to consider. You won’t have overmasking unless the crossback is 80 dB or higher.) It would be a good idea to consider the possibility of a slight conductive loss, however. If you wish to be “extra safe” you could use 10 dB below the guessed best bone-conduction threshold.
Let’s calculate MMIn and MMax for the case shown in Figure 10-5.
MMin = Expected Spondee Threshold (85 dB HL) + 10 (ST could be 95 dB HL) – IA (60 dB) + 10 dB pad.
The short form is MMin = 85 – 40 = 45 dB EM.
MMax = Best test ear BC threshold that could be found in the 500-8k range (80 dB HL), but for safety, calculate MMax based on a threshold that is 10 dB lower than what I really think the cochlear sensitivity will be. MMax = 70 dB HL + 55 = 125 dB EM.
There is a simple formula that works well when the loss in each ear is sensorineural. It simply advocates that you estimated the spondee threshold, and use contralateral noise that is 20 dB lower than this level. That will give you a value between minimum and maximum when you have sensorineural hearing loss. You don’t have to guess the spondee threshold as being higher, but do consider that if the need for masking is borderline, it is better to mask when it’s possibly needed. This will prevent you from having to come back and mask should the spondee threshold come in a bit higher than the pure-tone average.
As will be further discussed below, if there is conductive loss in the non-test ear (which lowers the effectiveness of the contralateral masking), this formula may lead you to undermask. When there is conductive loss in the test ear, your stimulation will be loud, and your contralateral masking also needs to be more intense. More intense masking noise means a greater likelihood of crossback. There is a chance of crossback that can go unrecognized with the simple “Down 20” formula. Generally though, to have overmasking the conductive loss needs to be greater that the loss severity that one typically sees.
There is nothing magical about the 20 dB number. Preceptors may prefer a “Down 25” or “Down 30” formula.
In Figure 10-5, MMin = 45 dB EM; MMax = 125 dB EM. “Down 20” for the expected 85 dB HL spondee threshold indicates use of 65 dB EM. Isn’t that a lot easier! But remember – the Down 20 Formula works well for bilateral sensorineural loss, but not as well for conductive loss, as the sections below will describe further.
Let’s examine another case of asymmetrical sensorineural loss. See Figure 10-6 and its legend.
Non-test ear conductive loss reduces the effectiveness of masking noise, raising the minimum masking level. This can cause the “Down 20” formula to undermask. Figure 10-7 illustrates.
When the test ear loss is conductive, overmasking becomes a concern, and the “Down 20” formula may lead you to overmask. Refer to Figure 10-8.
The “Down 20 rule” works most times – the common exception is NTE significant conductive loss, where undermasking can occur. TE conductive loss can cause the “Down 20” rule to have problems, but you would need a near true maximum conductive loss before overmasking becomes a concern. The “Down 20” formula is simple (and therefore less prone to error) so it is recommended for the “plain vanilla” cases of asymmetrical sensorineural hearing loss, which is what you see most often in most clinical situations.
To review, if you have NTE conductive loss, then “Down 20” can undermask. Base your calculations on Minimum Masking Levels: go above that.
If the test ear has conductive loss, double check. Calculate MMax and make sure that it is below your “Down 20” level is below MMax. The test ear conductive loss has to be very large before overmasking becomes a concern when obtaining a spondee threshold.
If you have significant bilateral conductive loss, you will need to carefully calculate minimum and maximum. Similar to pure-tone testing with bilateral conductive loss, a masking dilemma may occur when trying to obtain the spondee threshold.
Although you need to mask for word recognition testing more often than for spondee threshold testing, at least you know the presentation level since you choose it! That eliminates that ambiguity you had with spondee threshold testing (what if it comes in a bit worse than I guessed?) To determine the need for masking, take the level of speech you plan to use for word recognition testing, subtract 60 dB. If there is any reason to believe that the non-test ear bone-conduction thresholds (in the 500 to 8k Hz range) are lower than that, then mask.
The minimum masking formula changes from what is used for spondee threshold testing. With spondee testing, you entertained the possibility of the spondee threshold coming in a bit higher than your best guess, and adjusted the masking level to account for that. You don’t do that for word recognition testing, since you know exactly the level you will use when testing, so the formula is presentation level – 60 dB IA + 10 dB pad + largest significant NTE air-bone gap (500 to 8k Hz) which simplifies to presentation level – 50 dB + largest significant NTE air-bone gap (500 to 8k Hz).
The maximum masking formula is the same as for spondee threshold testing: Find the best estimated bone-conduction threshold (and guess low rather than high to be safe, you don’t want to overmask). Add 55 dB. While this is the “ideal” maximum, a little bit of crossback isn’t going to lower the test ear word recognition score. If you can avoid going above MMax, please do so, but if the crossback is well below the perceived loudness of the speech signal, then it will not lower the word recognition score. We will examine this idea further below.
The simple “Down 20” formula remains simple: Subtract 20 from the presentation level. As with spondee threshold testing, this formula risks undermasking with NTE conductive loss, and overmasking with TE conductive loss, but as we will explore further below, the overmasking probably won’t interfere with understanding the monosyllabic words presented to the test ear.
As with spondee threshold testing, the “Down 20” formula works well for word recognition testing. See Figure 10-11.
As was true for spondee threshold testing, conductive loss in the NTE requires higher masking levels, and the “Down 20” rule can undermask.
Let’s examine a larger test ear conductive loss next – see Figure 10-14.
As the examples above have introduced, crossback isn’t always “the end of the world.” This concept applies for spondee threshold testing as well, but word recognition testing involves presenting supra-threshold level stimuli, requiring higher masking levels, and greater crossback levels are seen.
If some of the noise crosses BACK to the test ear cochlea, that can interfere with word recognition, but it does not necessarily do so. Examine Figure 10-15.
It is possible to have a masking dilemma for word recognition testing – the same situation as creates a masking dilemma for pure-tone testing: bilateral maximum or near maximum conductive loss. Refer to Figure 10-16.
When you have a potential masking dilemma, my recommendation is to calculate your minimum and maximum levels. If your minimum is above the maximum, think about the amount of crossback that could be created when you use that minimum level – and think about it frequency by frequency. Compare the crossback to the sensation level of the stimulus. If your sensation level is higher than the crossback by 10 dB or more, then the crossback likely has little or no effect
If there is more crossback, e.g. crossback is at 30 dB above the bone-conduction thresholds of the test ear, and the word recognition signal is 35 dB above the air-conduction thresholds, then the word recognition score is probably lowered. This is particularly true for those with sensorineural loss – their word recognition scores are lowered in the presence of competing signals. If you cannot lower the noise without undermasking, then I suggest that you make a note in your report, e.g. “Contralateral masking noise crossback potentially lowered the word recognition score.” You could also test unmasked and note “Because of the masking difficulties/dilemma potentially reducing the word recognition score, unmasked testing was conducted, but is influenced by the non-test ear participation. True word recognition performance is likely in the range between the masked and unmasked scores.”
When masking for speech, particularly word recognition testing, you must be vigilant about the need to mask. Remember to determine if the signal level – 60 dB is above the NTE best bone-conduction threshold (in the range of 500 to 8000 Hz). If so, masking is needed.
Stay away from the simple “stimulus level – 20” rule if the non-test ear is conductive. It works wonderfully for sensorineural losses, and is simple to use. When the test ear has conductive loss, consider whether the crossback might interfere. (Noise level – 60: is that significantly above the TE bone-conduction thresholds? If so, determine the stimulus sensation level. You are still OK if the stimulus is at least 10 dB above the crossback level.) Be very careful with significant NTE conductive loss, there it is better to use the minimum masking formula. The Down 20 rule tends to cause undermasking with NTE conductive components
We want to avoid having to raise the masking noise if the spondee threshold is slightly higher than predicted. Take your best estimate of the spondee threshold and adjust the formula by 10 dB more, in case the spondee threshold is a bit higher than your guess, which gives us the formula Minimum Level = Expected Spondee Threshold – 40 + Largest Significant NTE Air-Bone Gap (500 to 8k Hz).
For word recognition testing, you know precisely what the stimulus intensity is, so the formula is Minimum Level = Expected Spondee Threshold – 50 + Largest Significant NTE Air-Bone Gap (500 to 8k Hz).
Since the minimum speech IA is 60 dB, the maximum masking level formula is Max Mask = Best Test Ear Bone-Conduction Threshold (500 to 8k Hz) + 55 dB. If you want to be conservative, you can lower your estimate of the bone-conduction threshold by 10 dB (in case there are minor air-bone gaps).
Remember that some crossback and overmasking may not be a problem, especially with sloping losses. If the crossback is only audible in the lowest frequencies, then even for spondee threshold testing, the results may not be invalidated. With word recognition testing, you are presenting at a level that is suprathreshold. If the crossback is well below the level of the speech at the test ear cochlea, then the crossback doesn’t affect the word recognition score much if at all. Ideally, you would examine the sensation level of the noise above the test ear bone-conduction thresholds. Compare to the sensation level of the speech above the test ear air-conduction thresholds. You would want the speech sensation level to be at a minimum 10 dB louder. If undermasking problems prevent you from lowering the speech level when this criterion is not met, document that the word recognition scores may be lowered due to overmasking.