What are some examples of spondee words? How is testing conducted? What are some synonyms for spondee threshold?What is a speech awareness threshold? (SAT)
If testing an adult, how would a speech awareness threshold be obtained?
List two reasons why the audiologist may obtain an SAT instead of an ST on
an adult?
What is the role of speech awareness threshold testing in very young
children? How much "easier" is it to hear the words than to repeat them? How
much lower should the SAT be than the SRT, if both tests were administered to
the same person in the same ear?
How do you obtain a three-frequency pure tone average?
What is the three-frequency pure tone average for this patient?
What is a "Fletcher average"?
When is a Fletcher average used?
Is a Fletcher average appropriate in this case? What are the pure tone
averages? What is the relationship between the spondee threshold and the pure tone