AudSim Flex Menu Bar

File ~ Open Patient

Displays a dialog box with list of simulated patient files. AudSim patient files all have the file extension ‘.simd’.
Select the file name to load. The patient history/background information will be displayed automatically.

File ~ Regenerate Simulation

Forces a regeneration of the simulation thresholds for the current patient. The basic hearing loss scenario is preserved, but the individual thresholds are changed slightly.
Simulations are automatically regenerated whenever a patient file is opened.

File ~ Save Audiogram Image

Creates a PNG image file of the audiogram as currently displayed. Useful if you want to create example audiograms.

Mode ~ Threshold Assistant

Threshold Assistant (TA) mode steps you through the basic pure tone testing procedures using the Modified Hughson-Westlake Method, and basic use of the simulator.
You will be guided in obtaining basic audiometrics at 8 frequencies for both ears using air and bone conduction (32 thresholds). Only Patient #1 can be used. It is loaded automatically. Follow the instructions that appear in the TA window. Errors will be highlighted in red.
When TA is completed:

  • The results table is displayed for your review.
  • Results are automatically submitted to the instructor at the email address provided when you logged-in.
  • The results table is saved to a PDF file in your ‘Documents’ folder.

The PDF file name format is “first last patientfilename_#.pdf (where # is incremented 1,2,3 as you make multiple submissions) For example “Tom Tester Patient1_2.pdf” for the second testing of Patient1 by user ‘Tom Tester’.

Mode ~ Practice

Practice mode allows you experiment with all the patient files. While practicing you will see a ‘Coaching Window” that provides feedback on the simulation’s cochlear response to the simuli you present. There is no submissions available in Practice Mode.
You can view the Result Table at any time to compare your threshold measurements with the actual threshold. (see View ~ Test Results)
You can also pop-up an overlay window of the actual audiogram (View ~ Simulation Audiogram Overlay).

Mode ~ Assignment

Assignment mode works with all the patient files. You will obtain thresholds without any assistance.
You may view the Result Table one time only. (see View ~ Test Results) You can decide to submit the results or start-over from the beginning.
Click the ‘Submit Results’ button at the top of the form.

  • Results are automatically submitted to the instructor
  • Results are saved as PDF file in your ‘Documents’ folder (with 'asg' suffix in filename)

Mode ~ Exam Mode

Exam mode works with all the patient files. You will obtain thresholds without any assistance.
You may view the Result Table only after you have completed testing. (see View ~ Test Results) Results are automatically submitted to the instructor and saved to your computer.

View ~ Patient History

Displays the patient case history and background information. Be sure to scroll down to see all the information.

View ~ Simulation Audiogram Overlay

Displays the simulated patient audiogram in a window that can be viewed side by side or overlayed with the measured audiogram.
NOTE: This is a static representation of the simulation design; thresholds shown do not reflect any Central Masking Effects that would occur due to Contra Level Masking. Dynamic thresholds are computed during testing and are only revealed n Practice Mode.

TIP: When aligned with the main audiogram, fade the overlay in and out to aid comparison.

View ~ Coaching Messages

Displays coaching window in Practice mode. Not available in Exam or Assignment modes.
The dynamic simulation parameters and cochlear response to the stimulus are revealed; including:

  • Test Ear responses
  • Non-Test Ear responses
  • Cross-over levels
  • Cross-back levels
  • Central Masking Effect
  • Over-Masking
  • Under-Masking
  • Inter-Aural Attenuation
  • Masking Dilemma

View ~ Test Results

Displays table of results, in four tabs, comparing the student’s assessment of thresholds vs. the actual thresholds of the simulation, with the difference calculation. The state of the audiometer controls at the time the student marked the thresholds are recorded.
Unmeasured thresholds are maked with ✻
For masking scenarios, thresholds include the ‘Central masking Effect’. Any masking issues are noted :

UM = Under-masked condition. The masking noise is not loud enough to mask the signal that crossed over from the non-test ear to the test ear. The non-test ear is still responding (‘hearing’) the test signal.
OM = Over-masked. The masking noise crossed back to the non-test ear cochlea and prevented the non-test ear from hearing the test signal.
TI = Tone was inaudible. The pure tone intensity level marked as threshold is below the threshold of the test ear.
MI = Masking was inaudible. The masking level that was presented to the non-test ear is below the non-test ear’s air-conduction threshold.
MD = Masking dilemma. Masking noise that is loud enough to mask the crossed-over signal is so loud that it crosses back to the non-test ear by bone conduction and elevates the test ear bone (and air) conduction threshold. There is no way to find the true masked threshold.
AT = Above threshold. The test ear responded, but the signal level was above the threshold of the test ear.
OK = Masking intensity level prevented the non-test ear from responding to the tone (if any crossed over) and the masking noise wasn’t so loud that it crossed-back to the non-test ear cochlea.

Settings ~ Audiogram Size

You may select a larger audiogram to be displayed on high resolution monitors

Settings ~ Invert Intensity Controls

Swaps the functionality of the intensity arrow keys to match up and down on the audiogram.

Settings ~ Language

Note that the Spanish translation is a Beta version.