
Course Name:  Instrumentation
Quiz Number:  3
Teacher:  Teri A. Hamill, Ph.D
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No. of Questions= 9

1 The difference between a condensor and an dynamic microphone is:
a) Condensor mics are directional
b) The internal design of the microphone
c) Electrets are designed to work as close-range microphones
d) Nothing, these are synonymous words
2 Dynamic microphones and speakers work on the same general principle.
a) True
b) False
3 Azimuth is:
a) The angle of the sound waves relative to the microphone diagphragm
b) The degree of attenuation of the signal relative to the angle of incidence
c) Grazing
4 Microphones should be located near the speaker's voice, but not so near that ...
a) Breathing noises are heard
b) Swallowing and lip smacking are picked up
c) Plosives cause turbulence across the microphone diaphragm
d) All of the above
5 An accelerometer could measure
a) The acceleration of a car
b) How rapidly a door is opening
c) The force of movement of the jaw
d) All of the above
6 Transducer impedance is measured in:
a) mhos
b) ohms
c) volts
d) farads
7 If an 8 ohm earphone is put into a 300 ohm output jack,
a) The sound will be louder than it should be.
b) The sound will be louder than it should be, and will be distorted
c) The loudness will be reduced
d) The loudness will be reduced and the signal will be distorted
8 If you only have a pressure measuring microphone, and wish to calibrate your sound field:
a) You're out of luck. You must have a field microphone.
b) You must be sure that the microphone is at 0 degree azimuth relative to the sound source
c) You must be sure that the sound source is at a 90 azimuth relative to the sound source.
9 As long as the transducers are of equivalent impedance, it is sufficient to substitute one earphone for another.
a) True
b) False

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