
Course Name:  Technology
Quiz Number:  2
Teacher:  Dr. Teri A. Hamill
Teacher's Email:
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No. of Questions= 6

1 If one needs to provide a power boost to a very small signal, because it is in danger of being corrupted by the noise within the circuit, one would use:
a) A differential power amplifier
b) A push-pulll amplifier
c) A pre-amplifier
2 Microphones generally have built-in preamplifiers.
a) True
b) False
3 Common mode rejection refers to:
a) A power amplifier's surge protector
b) The degree to which a differential amplifier will reject noise that is common to both the general system ground and the signal
c) Inverting input of an op amp
4 Signal mixers are used to:
a) Combine two or more signals without introducing ground noise and/or distortion
b) Add audio to a visual alarm system that monitors the fuse within a circuit
c) Separate ground loops
5 Which class of amplifier has the LEAST efficiency and lowest quality?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
6 Another name for a push-pull amplifier is a class __ amplifier
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

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